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Not-so stylish trials! (Number 1)

Now, I think we know that fashion is all about BEING YOURSELF and NOT FOLLOWING THE CROWD. Yet, even if you know that, most people will still wear what everyone else wears, even if they really feel like wearing something else.

Firstly, a really cute new style is wearing floral tops, either with a black-and-white top like:,4,shop,catgsale,kids-sale?

(sorry, it's a LITTLE longer than intended)

Or just a brightly coloured one, but instead of wearing a nice skirt, or jeans with it, wear something comfy-but-cool: a pair of black tights, available from any good clothes' store.

Yes, you heard me, tights, on there own, without any skirt, dress or jeans! The only reason we think 'WIERD!' is because nobody else does it, but #1 of fashion is Don't Follow The Crowd, and #10 is Break All The Fashion Rules (even these), If It's What YOU Want To Do!

Be back here soon for Number 2 of not-so popular stylish trials!

But, remember to do want you want to, afterall, that should be the definiton of fashion!

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